A motorcycle camping trip is one of the most exciting ways to explore the country. Make no mistake in differentiating between motorcycle camping trips and a road trip. In a motorcycle camping trip you actually pitch a tent and spend the night in the lap of nature as compared to a road trip where you pull over and check into an inn or motel to spend the night. If you are an adventurer and would rather spend the night under the open sky, then get yourself a motorcycle, if you do not already have one, and plan a camping trip you will never forget.
However, before you set out in haste on a motorcycle camping trip, you will do yourself good to do a bit of research on the activity you are about to undertake. That is of course, if you are a newbie to the sport of motorcycle camping. Check your camping gear and then double check it. Ensure you have the right gear and no unwanted stuff you do not actually need for the trip. If you feel you need to make a camping kit from scratch or just add a few things to your already existing kit you will find no dearth of motorcycle camping items in your local sports shop or general market. You must choose the items wisely and buy only the ones that will fit comfortably on your motorcycle. You have a large selection of hard bags to choose from. The beauty of these hard bags is that they can fit snugly on your bike without the fear of falling off or having to stop frequently to adjust them, and they can be painted to suit your bike. However, unlike the soft bags that are easy to fold and store away, hard bags are required to be stored on a frame and are more expensive than their soft counterparts, and so are by-passed most of the time for the softer variety.
Some of the other essential items that must make it to your camping kit include; a tent, some waterproofing material such as plastic or canvas, a sleeping bag, compact cooking gear such as a collapsible stove, eating and cooking utensils, adequate clothing, motorcycle tools and a puncture repair kit. Choose the items for your motorcycle camping kit wisely, it will help you when you are packing and unpacking during the trip.
Get yourself a strong waterproof tent for your camping kit. Include a waterproof matting such as a plastic or canvas sheet to place under the tent to prevent water seepage if it happened to rain during the trip. However, if you are more of the open-air types and would rather sleep under the open sky, you will not need a tent, just the canvas will do for a base to place the sleeping bag on. However, it is highly recommended that you keep a tent with you as it may come handy should Mother Nature decide to pour down on you any time during your trip. Get a sturdy and comfortable sleeping bag as well. A lightweight bag made of down and polyester is strong, warm and can be folded up into a very small package that takes up very little space.
Once you have put your motorcycle kit together after a lot of thought, you can assure yourself many enjoyable hours in the lap of nature.
Abhishek is a Camping freak! Visit his website www.Camping-Guru.com and download his FREE Camping Report "Camping With The Family: How To Have A Safe, Fun, And Inexpensive Vacation" and learn some amazing Camping tips and tricks for FREE. Learn how to have the perfect vacation on a shoe-string budget. But hurry, only limited Free copies available.
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