Sunday, January 30, 2011

dj olive whitney biennial installation strike

Client: Whitney Museum of American Art Biennial 2008 installation come down. when you enter from the main hall of the Armory's second floor, you pass through a heavy black curtain and then step into the tent. six cots with blue wool blankets are in a row to the left and quiet music of warm tones from the right. the light is dim and the fabric covering the hand lashed bamboo frame is made of sqares like a quilt. there is gental back lighting. a triage tent for peace. you can lie down and sleep to the sleeping pill music or choose to pass through. when you come out the far end of the tent, you are under the mezzanine and looking out over the drill hall through the open french doors. you still don't see the moose heads. faint cool light from the drill hall rakes in through the open doors and cuts across the tent. the only other light is from the small bulb on a sewing machine. the sewing machine is an old green industrial model built into a table. behind the sewing machine is a huge quilt made of the same sized squares as the tent, 20"'s. the center 5 squares make a red cross but are sewn on so it appears the cross is falling apart. sloppy. on the opposite wall is a dark staircase with a sign written in a bold child like hand, MOOSE LEVEL. hung in the stairwell, is a stained and beat up camping lantern with thick old glass, very dimly lit. upstairs is a dark room with a kind of bamboo fence, three old lanterns with red light making circles on the low ceiling. under the ...

Related : Best LED Lantern Camping Lantern

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