Next time you are thinking about where to take yourself for your next holiday, why not consider exploring the bush / beach and going camping. Camping can be so much fun. There are so many beautiful places that you can pitch a tent and spend quality time with your loved ones. Camping at the bush / beach can be really relaxing and provide you with much needed time to chill out and forget the hectic rat race of everyday life. Best of all these scenic campsites generally cost very little for overnight camping compared to the price of paying for accommodation in a hotel / motel.
You need to ensure you don't rush out and spend large amounts of money on camping equipment though unless you have been before and know that camping is for you. Instead of buying all of the equipment at the start, see if you can either hire it or borrow it from a friend / family member. If you do want to buy some equipment, why not see if you can get yourself a good second hand bargain.
Your camping trip can be as simple or as stylish as you choose it to be. Some campgrounds offer all the creature comforts such as hot showers and toilet facilities, while others are set in remote bushland clearings without any facilities. You need to be organised in advance and pack your vehicle carefully to ensure you don't forget anything. You might also need to book your site for the busier camp grounds to avoid disappointment. Also, ensure you hold any other appropriate entry permits or passes.
We have provided you with some clues to get you started on your planning for your next camping adventure:
1. Choose where you might like to go camping
- National Park
- State Forest
- Private Reserve
- Private Campground
- Riverside
- Stream
- Beach
- Mountain
- Countryside
- Caravan Park
Note : Some tourist locations produce guides to free camping areas
2. Plan what you might like to do whilst you are away camping
- Go for bushwalks
- Do bird watching
- Spot for animals / wildlife
- Swim in a mountain stream / beach
- Relax and read books
- Play games - soccer, cricket, frisbee etc
- Have a campfire
- Do some star gazing
- Cook some billy tea and damper
- Have a sing along around a fire
- Play cards
- Watch the sun rise / sunset
- Listen to the sounds of nature - running stream / bird calls
3. Organise and pack your food and drinks
- Do up a menu planner for the food that you wish to take away
- Plan what drinks you would like including any special bottles of wine / glasses of beer / port etc
- Ensure you organise foods that are quick and easy to prepare away from a normal kitchen
- Try and choose items on the menu so that everyone can have a good rest and someone isn't tied to kitchen duties the whole time you are away
- Ensure you pack your food appropriately so that you protect it from extreme heat or cold
- Secure your food in sturdy strong containers to keep out any hungry wildlife
- Take along freezer blocks / ice packs / dry ice to keep your cold items cold - ideally try and pack non perishable items
4. Organise and pack your equipment
- Tent including pegs, poles, hammer, ropes and repair kit
- Ground sheet
- Fly sheet or tarpaulin including poles, pegs and ropes
- Pillow and pillow cases
- Air mattress / air beds / camp stretchers / foam mat
- Air mattress / air bed pump
- Sleeping bags / sheets and blankets
- Camping stove / Portable cooker and stand
- Gas bottle or fuel container (filled)
- Matches / Lighters
- Cooking Utensils / saucepans / frying pan / kettle
- Dish clothes and tea towels
- Dishwashing liquid and Liquid hand soap
- Washing up bowl
- Camping plates, bowls, cutlery and cups
- Other kitchen items such as egg flip, tongs, peeler, can and bottle openers
- Chopping board / Bread board
- Table and Chairs
- Light / Torch and batteries / Lantern and fuel
- Toilet paper and toiletries
- Towel
- Rubbish bags
- Water in containers with taps - ensure you pack plenty
- Clothing ensure it is appropriate wear for the bush
- Sturdy boots / footwear
- Wet weather gear / hot weather gear
- Hats / caps and sunglasses
- Wet ones / Pre-moistened towelettes
- Paper towels / tissues / serviettes
- Shovel
- First aid kit and first aid manual
- Insect Repellent / Sunscreen / Citronella candles (to repel insects)
- Toilet / Shower Tent
- Picnic Rug / Blanket
- Compass / GPS / Maps
- Spare tyre pumped up
- Spare can of fuel
5. Organise and pack items for entertainment
- Bikes / Water craft
- Fishing gear and tackle box
- Frisbees
- Board Games
- Balls
- Playing cards
- Reading materials
- Bird watchers guide / Wildlife guide
- Binoculars
- Swimmers
- Camera and batteries
- Camcorder and batteries
Detective Heather Wood is Managing Director and writer for Money Detective Pty Ltd.
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