Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Camping Cots - Yard Sale Treasure

Have you ever heard the phrase "someone's junk is someone else's treasure"? Yard sales are great places to find inexpensive camping supplies. You can really stock up on flashlights, eating and cooking utensils, chairs or if your lucky an old lantern. Sometimes you find a real treasure like an air mattress or a camping cot.

A few years ago the wife and I were out driving around and she suggested that we should hit some garage sales. I reluctantly said yes. I used to think garage sales were all junk. I have enough of my own junk why buy someone else's? So we are driving around and we are going through garage after garage and then she comes up to me and says she has something to show me. She points to these two old camping cots! I'm thinking to myself these are about $5-$10 a piece, I am not paying a penny over $4. She tells me that these camping cots, that are in pretty good shape are only a $1 a piece! Sold! I have never spent a better $2 in all my life. They have been a life saver. I believe you should never camp without a camping cot. Air mattresses are good but they deflate sometimes and get holes, but camping cots you just unfold and go. We still have those old camping cots and still use them. we are planning on getting another set pretty soon because these are on their last leg but I think I have gotten my dollars worth. They are by far the best garage sale buy I have ever made.

Jake Swingler owns an online wholesale camping equipment store, [http://www.allstarcampingequipment.com] He also loves camping with his wife and kids. He tries to go once or twice a month during the summer. If you have any questions about any other camping gear, sleeping bag [http://www.allstarcampingequipment.com/sleeping_bags.html] or tents [http://www.allstarcampingequipment.com/tents.html] please feel free to drop him an e-mail at the website.

My Links : Best Lantern Reviews Best Camping Lantern Reviews Best Camping Lanterns

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